‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات how. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات how. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 17 ديسمبر 2014

Blogging - How to Write Blog Post Titles that Get Attention

The title of your blog post needs to catch attention. If it fails to catch attention, then people wont read the post. And the time spent writing the post will be wasted. The title is also used in the search engines. So the title needs to catch the attention of search engine users too.

What are some techniques you can apply so your title gets attention?

First, you can include a benefit in your title. People want to know whats in it for them or what advantages they can gain. By including a benefit, youll get their attention and make them want to read your post.

Another technique is to add urgency to your title. Urgency makes them want to read your post now rather than later. For instance, the title “Triple Your Productivity” is good because it has a benefit.

But adding urgency will make it even better. For example, you could say, “6 Shocking Secrets Recently Discovered That Will Triple Your Productivity.” Or, “A Rare Scientific Breakthrough Proven to Triple Your Productivity.” The reader wants to learn those secrets or the breakthrough by reading the post now rather than later.

You can also make your title specific to get attention. For instance, instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you can make it more specific by saying, “8 Tips to Boost Your Productivity.”

Another tip is to make your title unique. If your title is similar to other titles that exist, or if you use cliches, then itll be hard for your title to catch attention. Your title needs to stand out by being unique. So instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you could say “Rapidly Increase Your Productivity By Applying These Secrets That Few People Know.”

Ideally, youll want to include more than one of these 4 elements in your title. If you combine them, itll add more power to your title and really get attention.

Wordpress - 3 Reasons Why Wordpress is the Best Blogging Tool

WordPress is a free tool which allows anyone for writing online and to publish a wordpress software-based blog free of charge and reachable to every single person.

The most important 3 features that blogger doesn’t support.

1. A Pinging feature is provided to you by which wordpress automatically pings all the RSS and blog feed directories each time you update or make a new post. It’s a very great feature if you want your blog to get a lot of traffic right away. It is the quickest way to develop backlinks to your blog automatically.

If you build a regular site, think how long it will get to index it in the search engines as well as get backlinks to improve your listings, and then start getting traffic. A tool like Wordpress can do all that “grunge” work for you very easily.

2. Wordpress Categories are the most effective way to improve the structure of your site for both human visitors and for the search engines bot.

Let’s assume the topic of your website is Wallpapers. You could create a Category for Car wallpapers, one for Nature wallpapers, and one for Cool wallpapers. When you add a posts to your blog, you can select which of your categories does the post belongs to. Now your blog will archive your past posts not only by their month and date same as Blogger does. But also by the Category.

So when you have a guests on your blog who is particularly interested in Car wallpapers, is will be easy for them to find all your posts on car wallpapers. Use of the categories can makes it very easy and will save valuable time of your visitors.

Categories are very search engine friendly, when you use categories in your blog, there is a link on every one of your pages to your categories. By using the Category feature, you will ultimately have hundreds of pages on your site with links to car wallpapers, nature wallpapers and cool wallpapers. All of those backlinks to those keywords can help you to get higher in search engine ranking.

3. You can easily create an RSS feed for each of your categories. It means every time you post a new article to your blog, it will ping the Blog / RSS directories for every feed!

Think that if you put up a new page on a regular website and even if the search engines find your new page right away, it might take a month or two before it actually gets indexed and starts getting traffic. It might be a long time before it enjoys a first page position for its keywords.

It’s almost superb how easily you could do all this with a well-organized blogging tool like Wordpress!

Billionaire Leverage Techniques: 5 Tips to Accomplish Your Big Dream

Have you ever had a dream so big that you had no idea how to accomplish it? The dream is there, in the background of your mind, gnawing at you and clamoring for your attention.

For many busy entrepreneurs, you might start to feel like the dream is slowly dieing. With everything you have to do to generate financial results, you never have time to focus on the dream. You are always busy running your business, making money, taking care of your clients, etc. Who has time to chase their dreams?

When you let your dream die, it affects your passion. Without passion, running your business can start to feel like work (who wants that?). Passion is the fuel that gets you going every day, provides the stamina to overcome the challenges and obstacles, and inspires you to think bigger.

Recently I saw an Oprah special called “Building a Dream” about the launch of her Leadership Academy for young girls in South Africa. As I watched the show, I realized that Oprah has been visioning this school for a long time. She had clarity about so many details -- from the uniforms to even the brick color of the building. It has been the fuel that keeps her going ever day, overcoming the big obstacles that have risen in running a billion dollar empire.

We all know that Oprah is very busy with her show and her magazine. How she brought her dream to life and fulfilled her passion was by surrounding herself with a team of people who could bring her vision to life.

If you study billionaires (which I do) you will learn a special leverage technique they all use to manifest their dreams into reality. I’ve seen this technique used by Oprah, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson. The technique: build a team to bring the vision to life.

Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Stay focused on the vision. Michael Gerber’s In the Dreaming Room covers the power of what your REAL job is (and by the way, it’s not getting lost in the day-to-day management.) It’s all about creating a vision so big that it pulls you forward.

2. Do YOUR job. Your job is to stay focused on high payoff activities. Let others do what they do best. Bookkeeping, housecleaning, graphic design, website updates, filtering emails and phone calls are all low payoff activities for the average business owner yet you many spend thousands of billable hours a month on these tasks.

3. Surround yourself with powerful implementers. When you leverage your time and build a team of good people, then your dreams become real 100 times faster. Most entrepreneurs are really great with ideas but lose traction when it comes to details and managing projects.

4. Start sooner. In completing the Virtual Team Building Secrets interviews, one thing I found in common with all five experts is they waited too long to build their team. It cost them time, money and sanity. The billionaires I studied all took the risk to build a team immediately.

5. Let go. Once you create your power team, be sure to learn to delegate well. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you hold the reigns too tight. A golden rule of delegation is, “Commit to the outcome, let go of the path to get there.”

Its time to start building YOUR team. It’s the fastest way to create more time, free up energy and make progress in bringing your vision to life.

Bill Gates - A story of Success

William H. Gates is chairperson and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing.

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill’s parents came to know their sons intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill Gates life where he was first introduced to a computer.

Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvards toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the schools computer and the next day asleep in class.

After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bills first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsofts vision is "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer". Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.

Bill Gates is not a greedy person. In fact, he is quite giving person when it comes to computers, internet and any kind of funding. Some years back, he visited Chicagos Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicagos schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray.

Home Business - Why Start A Home Based Business

Thousands of people have lost their jobs or source of income in todays troubled economy. Absolutely no one should feel that it cant happen to them. In addition to people losing their jobs and source of income, there are millions more coming out of college or coming of age, entering a job market that is already stressed with high unemployment because of the turbulent economy.

Considering the state of the economy it would be wise to be resourceful, doing so by taking the initiative to create an alternative source of income. Starting a Home Based Business will allow you to generate needed income, be independent, and give you peace of mind.

Generating needed income with a Home Based Business could make a difference in your life. Particularly if you have lost your job or source of income. It will give you a way to take care and provide for yourself and loved ones.

Perhaps you do have some income and your goal is to supplement or add to what you have coming in, which will benefit you.

If you value independence, you are really going to enjoy owning a Home Business. How independence manifest itself varies from one person to another. It could be that you want to spend more time with your family and loved ones; Enjoy the convenience of not having to commute to work; Be able to provide for yourself without assistance from others; No boss looking over your shoulder; Being in a position to come and go as you please.

Everyone desires peace of mind, simply because, it is a wonderful state to be in. Anxiety takes its toll on all of us. Having a Home Based Business to relieve some of the pressure would be welcomed relief.

When we are overly anxious as to how we are going to make it from day to day, pay the mortgage or other bills, provide for the kids.

All these anxieties can be mentally and physically exhausting.

Yes, the economy is tough, and people will probably continue to lose their jobs, their retirement income. These conditions may continue for just a few years, or perhaps longer.

What we dont want to do is be at the mercy of the conditions around us. We want to be resourceful taking the initiative. One way of doing that is to start a Home Based Business, which could provide needed income, help you to be independent, and have peace of mind.

Forex Trading - Home Based Business and Make Money Online

Like many people I am sure you are interested to know more about Forex trading. To put it bluntly Forex trading can be either one the best ways to make money. Only those who take the Forex market seriously will be able to make money with it in the long term.

The Forex trading market is beyond a doubt the worlds largest market where all exchanges happen instantaneously. Thus, trades are a key challenge for even the most knowledgeable Forex bankers and traders. They have to learn and consider many factors before performing even a single trade.

At first when currencies began to be traded openly, only large banks were allowed to perform trades. These days, due to the advent of internet forex trading and margin accounts almost anybody can begin Forex trading. This in turn, has added to the liquidity of the Forex market, and has resulted in a huge increase in the number of individuals who are now active in the market.

So, does this mean it is easy to earn money through Forex trading? To answer this we must consider a few things.

If you want make consistent money you can do extremely well by using Forex trading. To help you in this end I have listed five key ways to improve your odds dramatically of making money in the Forex market.

1. Education

Successful traders are knowledgeable about the Forex market. They have chosen to educate themselves about every single vital detail of Forex trading. The best traders know that every trade that they perform is an opportunity to learn something new about forex trading.

2. Forex Trading System

All of the profitable traders have a Forex trading system or strategy. Furthermore, they have the will power to stick strictly to that system, because the best traders know that by sticking with their system they stand a far greater chance of earning money.

3. Price Behavior

Knowledgeable and successful traders also include price behavior in their systems. They have learned that prices can change quickly and suddenly but are prepared to deal with those situations when they arrive.

4. Trading Psychology

First-rate traders are aware of psychological issues that affect the choices of other traders make when Forex trading. They know that people do not always act rationally, and as a result this can alter the expected outcome of a trade. This can help them both when deciding to enter into a trade or when to exit.

5. Money Management

This is far and away the most important factor that will determine whether or not you become a successful trader. Averting the hazard of financial ruin is the main concern of all top traders. This means both adequately funding your trading account (only with money you can afford to live without of course) and never entering into trades that can potentially wipe out all of your assets. Better to start trading small and always use stop-loss orders to guarantee that your first trades are not also your last.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of everything you need to know but it outlines some of the areas you need to consider before making even that first trade. Now you know that it is not easy to earn money in the Forex market, however it is achievable.

Also, remember to try to have some fun. Just remember these three important things: be disciplined in your trading habits, manager your money wisely and enjoy the experience of Forex trading.

Forex Trading Guidelines

So what is Forex trading you may ask? Forex is the exchange you can buy and sell currencies. For example, you might buy British pounds (by exchanging them to the dollars you had), then, after pounds / dollar ratio goes up, you sell pounds and buy dollars again. At the end of this operation you are going to have more dollars, then you had at the beginning.

The Forex market has much higher liquidity, then the stock market, as much more money is being exchanged. Forex is spread between banks all over the planet and as a result it means 24 hour trading.

Unlike stocks, Forex trades are performed with high leverage, usually it is 100. It means that by investing $1000 you can control $100,000, and increase potential profits accordingly. Some brokers provide also called mini Forex Trading, where the size of minimum deposit equals $100. It makes possible for individuals to enter this market easily.

The name convention. In Forex, the name of a "symbol" is composed of two parts — one for first currency, and another for the second currency. For example, the symbol usdjpy stands for US dollars (usd) to Japanese yen (jpy).

As with stocks, you can apply tools of the technical analysis to Forex Trading charts. Traders indexes can be optimized for Forex "symbols", allowing you to find winning strategy.

Example Forex Trading transaction

Assume you have a online Forex trading account of $25,000 and you are trading with a 1% margin requirement. The current quote for EUR/USD is 1.3225/28 and you place a market order to buy 1 lot of 100,000 Euros at 1.3228, expecting the euro to rise against the dollar. At the same time you place a stop-loss order at 1.3178 representing a maximum loss of 2% of your account equity if the trade goes against you, 50 pips below your order price, and a limit order at 1.3378, 150 pips above your order price. For this trade, you are risking 50 pips to gain 150 pips, giving you a risk/reward ratio of 1 part risk to 3 parts reward. This means that you only need to be right one third of the time to remain profitable.

The notional value of this trade is $132,280 (100,000 1.3228). Your required margin deposit is 1% of the total, which is equal to $1322.80 ($132,280 0.01).

As you expected, the Euro strengthens against the dollar and your limit order is reached at 1.3378. The position is closed. Your total profit for this trade is $1500, each pip being worth $10.

Franchise - Partnerships and Starting a Franchise

Partnerships have a relatively low rate of success when starting a franchise. Well, the same is true for any business. Why?

Most partnerships fall apart within a few years or even months because of mistakes during their structuring process. In many cases partnerships are put together because one person either can’t afford a business or does not have the expertise to start one.

As a result, exited to find a partner and fulfill an individual dream, entrepreneurs rush to get started before taking care of some important details. Here are some things that need to be considered when starting a franchise business in a partnership:

1. What is the exits strategy? – Maker sure that you share the same vision of where you want to be in 5 years. If an offer comes along to buy your franchise, what will you do?

2. Decide what to do if you stop agreeing on things – effective dispute resolution tools need to be put in place before you get started. You are going to spend a lot of time with your franchise partner, don’t expect to agree on everything.

3. Decide who is the boss – it is almost impossible to run a 50/50 partnership. Someone needs to be the boss or the CEO. This way you know who is responsible for a final decision from the beginning instead of having to decide that each time on the spot.

4. Consider a Limited Partnership – Make sure that all the liabilities in your business are clearly spelled out. Getting a limited partnership agreement in place might be the best way to go. v 5. Look at some successful partnership examples – Baskin and Robbins (ice cram franchise) come to mind. Take you time to research what made other people successful in this arrangement. When considering a partnership it also helps to consult an attorney in order to incorporate all the details into a partnership agreement.

In the end, partnership may be a great option for you, the key is to give careful consideration to all your options and properly document everything.

Becoming a US Citizen - Tips to Help You Through the Citizenship Process

So you have finally made the decision to take the step of becoming a US citizen. You have made a smart choice to become a citizen of one of the greatest countries in the world. A word of warning though, going through the citizenship process is not as simple and straightforward as you may think.

It was with this in mind, I decided to write this article, to provide you with some tips to help you through the citizenship process and ultimately reach your goal of becoming a US citizen.

Firstly you need to get, fill out and submit form N-400, you can do this online or via mail, you need to make sure you submit your form to your local government office.

Once your N-400 form has been reviewed, and provided there are no major issues, you will then be invited to attend an interview. In the interview you will be asked a whole range of things from why you think you deserve to become a US citizen, questions about the history of the united stated as well as opinions and beliefs on a variety of subjects.

Whatever you do, dont panic during the interview process, just be yourself and answer the questions as truthfully and heartfelt as you can. The people conducting the interview are very well trained and will soon know if you being dishonest, but for the most part they are there to help you become a US citizen.

While this is far from an exhaustive guide on the steps to gain citizenship, it does contain some tips to get you started on your journey to becoming a US Citizen.

Adsense for Mobile is a Great Way to Earn Money

AdSense is an advertising program run by Google. It is a revolutionary method to earn from a websites traffic. AdSense is considered as one of the most powerful tool in a website publishers arsenal. Googlr AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and salespeople.

Many sites use AdSense to monetize their content and some webmasters work hard to maximize their own AdSense income. Adsense revenue is generated when a visitor to your site clicks through an Adsense Ad you have displayed. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertisers website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.

The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction, in that it commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (not observable by competitors). Combine AdSense with affiliate products, maybe selling a couple of your own products and paid blogging gigs, and yea, $500-$1k per week is possible.

Website Content

Google AdSense for Mobile unlocks the potential of the mobile advertising market. As part of our ongoing efforts to develop new ways for users to find the information they need anytime and anywhere, Google announced today the availability of AdSense for Mobile, a program that contextually targets ads to mobile website content. Like its traditional AdSense program this will contextually targets ads to mobile wensite content. The system automatically reviews the content of publishers’ mobile websites and delivers text ads that are relevant to the websites’ audience and content. "With this program, advertisers can connect with the growing number of mobile publishers, ultimately providing users with an enhanced mobile experience that helps them find what they are looking for more quickly and efficiently on the go," said Google, as it yesterday announced AdSense for Mobile, a program that contextually targets ads to mobile website content.

Google Adsense For Mobile

Google says that AdSence for mobile is intended for AdSense partners who have created websites specifically for mobile browsers, and who want to monetise their mobile content via contextual advertising. AdSense for Mobile is identical to AdSense for Web sites, which places ads on participating publishers sites that correspond to the publishers content. Google Adsense for Mobile is ultimate way to make money because this is a new product so there is less competition. However, adsense for mobile is only out to certain selected publishers so far for their mobile platform optimized sites.

AdSense for Mobile gives the ability to AdSense publishing partners to earn revenue from their mobile websites through the targeted placement of mobile text ads. AdSense for Mobile provides a valuable way to connect mobile users with the right ad at the right time as they seek information on the go. Adsense Mobile text ads run on an auction model, in the same fashion to regular Adsense/ Adwords ads are offered.

"When you add the new AdSense for mobile code to your site," explained Alex Kenin, Product Marketing Manager for AdSense for Mobile, "well display relevant ads using the same targeting technology that you are familiar with for existing AdSense products. With that, Google is giving Adsense a free reign allowing AdSense publishing partners the ability to earn revenue from their mobile websites through the targeted placement of mobile text ads.


Mobile advertising tiny, but a potential goldmine. In fact, there are currently more mobile devices worldwide than personal computers and televisions combined. Mobile browser development is now bounding ahead. AdSense for Mobile is intended for AdSense partners who have created websites specifically for mobile browsers, and who want to monetize their mobile content via contextual advertising. AdSense for Mobile also allows AdSense publishing partners the ability to earn revenue from their mobile websites through the targeted placement of mobile text ads. Now, with the formal launch of AdSense for Mobile, Google seems to be getting into the transportability trend.

Ebay - How to Make Money on Ebay

How Do You Launch A Successful eBay Business?

Lets face a simple fact: to make money on eBay or in any other online business youll need to pay almost as much effort as to arrange an "offline" business. So, there is no sense in rushing forward straight away. Your keys, like in any other business, will be patience and research.

Some Facts about eBay You Should Know

The first thing associated with eBay is its huge popularity. The website has more than 100 million members, and this is a definite advantage for everyone who is going to offer their products on eBay. Just think how large your customer base can be! Even though the scope of eBay is really enormous, youll need to put in a certain amount of effort in order to smell success.

A Few Tips For an eBay Novice

Dont get surprised - the most proficient eBay dealers begin as customers. That is because as a customer youll get a fair idea of the entire process, and determine the things that you like or dislike as a buyer. In other words, youll be able to understand the process from a buyers point of view. You should pay attention to the dos and donts of eBay sellers.

Always keep in mind that online business, including an opportunity to make money on eBay, has a lot of similarities with any other business. This means that youll need to find out what categories of products are in demand, and which those that are especially profitable. This can be determined with the help of eBay itself - the website provides excellent helpful tools to their newbies.

A great help for an eBay beginner should be classes at eBay University. Combining your experience as an eBay customer and knowledge of being an eBay seller should be one of the keys to success.

So, be sure to browse eBay website for more helpful tips and basic information on running business with them. The more knowledge you acquire, the easier youll be coping with problems.

Online Surveys - Earn Money Taking Online Surveys

When trying to earn money taking online surveys, you need to know how and what to do in order to make money taking these surveys. There is a lot of misinformation that is spread about earning money in this fashion.

Knowing the information about how to earn money taking online surveys is the key to making a living taking these surveys. With all the misinformation that swarms about these surveys, you need to be able to know the truth of the matter in order to find the most profitable way for you to go about making intelligent choices for finding the survey site that is right for you.

Find Out More About The Site In Question

One of the things that you first need to do when deciding to earn money taking online surveys is to examine your options. There are many different sites for surveys and sites that have you to pay them to find the most profitable. Which one do you choose? And how do you know that you have made the right choice? Generally speaking, those who ask you to pay for a membership are of two kinds, rip off and legitimate. Here is where detective work comes in handy. When looking at a site, compare everything and decide if this site is really for you.

What Is Their Rewards Program?
The rewards programs of most online survey companies vary from points and gift cards to cold hard cash. You can earn money taking online surveys, but you will need to decide if you want the rewards program, or the cold hard cash. If you are trying to make a living, the cold hard cash is the best option for you. When checking into these programs, look at the amount that is paid per completed survey. This will be your deciding factor.

How Reliable are They With Payment?

Earn money taking online surveys is a fun way to get some extra cash. Bear in mind that some restrictions will be placed on levels of payments and the levels which payment will be make to you and how the payment will be made to you. Various sites only pay in gift cards or other types of prizes, so you will need to decide on what site that you want to approach and find out exactly what their payment system is. Some payment systems use checks, others use PayPal and still others reward with gift cards. Check and see from other people just how reliable their payment system is.

What Types of Surveys Do They Have? What Frequency Can You Expect?

When trying to earn money taking online surveys, you also will need to know what types of surveys do they have and how frequently will they send them out to you? Some only send once a month, while others send out more frequently. Usually when you sign up with one of these companies, you will take a survey that will show them your tastes and likes. You should receive surveys based on that, but sometimes they will send you a survey that you don’t expect.

Affiliate Marketing - 10 Basic Tips For Success In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most popular way of making money online. Anyone can earn affiliate commissions, regardless of their experience in internet marketing.

This article presents ten powerful tips that will help you succeed in affiliate marketing and earn huge commissions.

1. Choose a specific niche or topic for which you want to promote affiliate programs. It is not advisable to sign up for a wide range of programs on different topics. Make your affiliate marketing targeted on a single market, and promote products that appeal to that market.

2. Research and select the best affiliate programs for your niche. You must choose the most rewarding, reliable and successful affiliate programs. The merchant must also supply you some marketing tools you can use to promote the products. The affiliate program or products must also be of high quality and must be well-priced. This will make is easy for you to sell them products or programs.

3. Build a web site focused on your niche, and have high quality and unique content that is rich with your key words and phrases.

4. Have a budget for promoting your website.

5. Drive traffic to your website. Your website will need traffic for you to earn affiliate commissions. Write articles, submit online press releases related to your niche and submit your website to search engines. You can also exchange links with high ranking websites related to your niche.

6. Review your affiliate programs or products on a blog, and include your affiliate links.

7. Build an email list and offer free e-courses, articles or e-books. When you have a list, you can keep in regular contact with your prospects and recommend your affiliate products to them.

8. Be available to answer any questions from your prospects and customers. Customer relationship management is very important in online business. Make sure that you provide your real name and an email address on your website so that potential customers can contact you with questions, and know there is a real person behind that website. This is important for your credibility.

9. Build your own network of sub-affiliates. Keep in touch with your sub-affiliates and motivate them to succeed because their success is your success too.

10. Work hard consistently in promoting your website and have patience.

Google Adwords - Using Adwords To Make Money

how i use google adword  to make work 

You have an option to start making money online through someone else’s products. This manner of online money making is referred to as affiliate marketing, and by joining an affiliate program you would be capable of earning a commission of each sale you make. Although this sounds rather easy, in the initial stages you will need time, patience and a small amount of money.

The first step is to register with an online affiliate program. There is a variety for you to choose from; however a particular well known one and the one I have first hand knowledge of is called Clickbank. Once you have reached the home page and signed up to Clickbank, you will need to go to the marketplace to check out the range of products that you could attach yourself to. Clickbank uses a technique where the products with a higher chance of making money are placed at the top of the listing. Some determining factors of the product placement include sales trends and how often a click is converted into a sale.

The optimum product to sell is the one with high sales opposed to high commission. An even better option if you can find a product like this; high sales and high commission! When you have chosen your product, you need to click on the ‘hoplink’. This will inform you of your affiliate link, which you will need to copy and save for advertising purposes.

Having an affiliate site is not going to make you money if you don’t advertise it. This next section will introduce you to advertising using Google Adwords. Google Adwords is a pay-per-click advertising program, and it can be accessed through the main Google search page. You will need to register with this program and it is very important that you read the editorial guidelines thoroughly. This will prevent you from having to redo ads with factors that Google prohibits. Once you have enrolled, you can start making your small advertisement which will be shown in Google search results. The advertisement needs to be attention-grabbing so as to lure potential buyers to it. Most importantly your ad must have relevant keywords in it. After all, the search is based on keywords.

This is where you can send yourself broke if you’re not careful! You have to choose the keywords that will relate to your advertisement and therefore your site. Once you have chosen your keywords, Google will inform you of a price per click. You either accept this information and begin your advertising or delete it and try again. In the event that you accept and plan to start advertising, you need to decide on a budget. I recommend that you place a daily limit on your campaigns, because without one you will find that your invoice balance grows VERY quickly. A small amount per day will allow you to find a product that makes money for you, and then you might decide to increase your budget slightly for a time. You have to consider your budget while paying enough money to allow your ad to be in the first couple pages of the search listing. Once all this is done, you are required to finalize your account set up by notifying Google of your credit card details. Your Google account will be settled each month through this credit card. The good news is that your commission will be deposited into your click bank account after each sale. That is how to make money with affiliate programs and that is how you will build your bank balance.

Top 10 Make Money Online Tips

how to be rich in 10 days hhhh

1. Flipping Websites - Also called as Virtual Real Estate. You buy websites that are being sold at a cheaper price and revamp the site to maximize its potential. The main goal here to work on improving the site and then sell it for a quick cash.

2. Squidoo Lenses - Creating lenses or pages at squidoo is fairly easy and should take about 30 minutes or so. After that, you simply start adding and promoting your affiliate products. Since Squidoo lenses rank higher in google, it brings in more traffic and more chances for people to purchase items using your squidoo pages.

3. Image Hosting Site - Bandwidths are getting cheaper these days.. so you can just set-up an image hosting site. Lots of people would want most of their images hosted on other servers (think myspace images being used on commenting) .. high traffic would do wonders on CPM ads.

4. Get Paid to Blog- Try Smorty-Get Paid to Blog or similar programs. You do not need to promote anything or wait for anyone to click on any link for you to earn something. Once your post has been approved, you get paid right away.

5. Sell links at Tnx.Net - take advantage of your high ranking PR site or your average rate of site visitors by selling text links on your site. This is a good opportunity for publishers to monetize their sites and for advertisers to drive more traffic to their sites, as well as improving search engine listings.

6. Blog Network - Most of us already have about more than 5 blogs at the moment.. but did you know that this is also a good way to earn money online by selling text links on your blog network? There are registrars that gives a huge discount when buying bulk domains plus everything can be done automatically when you use a script.

7. Proxy Sites - no maintenance needed. The simpler the lay-out the better.. just make sure you do get to blend your ads well. Most Schools and workplaces don’t allow leisure internet surfing anymore thus there is a continuous demand for new proxies each day.

8. YouTube Videos - Make a channel related to your sites content then upload YouTube video units with embedded Google adsense ads.

9. Advertising on your Site - Earn extra by looking for advertisers on your site. Look for advertisers who have the same niche as yours as they would most likely be willing to gain extra exposure this way.

10. Sponsored Reviews - All you have to do is to write reviews about products and services being offered to the public. Most companies are taking this route since this would greatly leverage targeted traffic.