الاثنين، 22 ديسمبر 2014

فوت علينا بكرة ... أول كوميكس مصري حديث ساخر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 

مرحبا معكم محمد مؤمن من أمام جهاز الحاسوب خاصتي وبدون إطاله نتحدث عن الشئ اللي صورته فوق دا ...

- فوت علينا بكرة ... بالأسبوع الماضي أثناء تجوالي بأحدى المولات بالقاهرة وخاصة بمتجر فيرجن "virgin mega store" كنت أبحث عن شئ ما بالمتجر وكأن معي بعض الأصدقاء منهم رسام جرافيك للألعاب وبيده وجدت شئ عيناي خرجت من مكانها فور رؤيتها .

المبيعات السنوية للمانجا في اليابان 2014، هل One Piece الأول هذا العام أيضا؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

ها قد شارف عام أخر على الإنتهاء وعام جديد على الأبواب .

كل عام إعتدنا أن نرى مجموعة ثابته من المانجا تحتل المراتب الأولى بالترتيب وهذا العام أيضا نراهم كالعادة رغم إختلاف بعض الترتيب عن الأعوام السابقة ... وكالعادة كانت ون بيس تحتل المراتب الأولى وبهذا العام أيضا فلنرى ترتيب المانجا ومبيعاتها

What is Otaku مصطلح الأوتاكو ومن هو الأوتاكو العربي

من هو الأوتاكو !؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
كونتيشوا مينا كيفكم اليوم 

اليوم راح نتكلم عن الأوتاكو كلمه تطلق على المدمنين بشيء مثل أوتاكو الأنمي الي راح نتكلم عنه اليوم 

أولاً : من هم الأوتاكو ؟

الخميس، 18 ديسمبر 2014

مانجا العرب 2015 الأفتتاح بداية العام الجديد

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا بالجميع ،، معكم محمد مؤمن من موقع مانجا العرب

الموقع الأن تحت الصيانة السنوية ... نحن نعمل على تحديث البرمجة القديمة وإضافه المزيد من الإضافات وتسريع متصفح المانجا
العمل يأخذ الكثير من الوقت والمجهود والمال وساعات طويلة للإنهاء ... فنتمنى منكم التمهل لحين الإنتهاء

- إذا لاحظتم حاليا عند زيارة الموقع تأتيكم هذه الصورة والعداد ليحدد موعد الإفتتاح .
- نحن نعمل حاليا لاضافة كل جديد بالاضافة الى الفصول والمانجا التى فاتتنا أثناء توقف الموقع كل شئ سيكون موجودا فور الإفتتاح.
- من المقترح فتح الموقع -نسخة تجريببة- قبل الموعد الأساسي لاختباره وملاحظة مدى تكاملة مع الزيارات الكبيرة ومتابعة سرعة. التصفح وتعقيباتكم على الموقع الجديد .

كيف تصنع قصة المانجا الخاصة بك How to draw manga ~

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا بالجميع ،،، طبعا  الجميع يحب المانجا ويعشقها فكيف لى أن أكون رسام مانجا أو مانجاكا أو كيف أبدء بصناعة مانجاي الخاصة بطريقة إحترافية


أصبحت ذات شعبية كبيرة بين الشباب , فهي ليست ككتب القصص الهزلية الأمريكية بل إن لها طابعها الخاص , فالمانجا في الأساس يابانية النشأة تتميز رسومها بالمؤثرات الواضحة التي تأسر القارء و تجعله يسرح بخيالة فيندمج مع أحداث القصة و كأنه يشاهدها أمامه , لكن رسم المانجا و صناعتها يعتبر فن يحتاج الممارسة و التدريب , و إليكم طريقة صنع مانجا خاصة بكم .


 راقب و ابحث في المانجا . تعلم الأساليب المختلفة , على سبيل المثال الشوجن و الشوجو و الفرق بينهما , افهم التقنيات و الأساليب التي تستخدم .

المانغا اليايانية أي القصص المصورة اليابانية وتاريخها japanese manga history and development

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زوارنا واعضاءنا الكرام أعضاء مدونة مانجا العرب ،،، اليوم سنتحدث عن المانجا وهى من أشهر الفنون الحديثة باليابان ومن أضخم الفنون واشهرها بالعالم أجمع وخاصة بالعالم العربي ودول الخليج ... فلنبدأ جولتنا .

مانغا Manga

هي اللفظ الذي يطلقه اليابانيون على القصص المصورة، ويستخدم خارج اليابان للدلالة على القصص المصورة التي أنتجت في اليابان، أو القصص المصورة التي رسمت بنمط مشابه للنمط الياباني. وقد يستعمل هذا اللفظ للإشارة إلى الصناعة المتعلقة بهذا الفن وكذا إلى الوسائل الإعلامية التي ينتشر عبرها (دوريات، مجلات، إلخ).
تعتبر المانغا ظاهرة اجتماعية في اليابان، تعالج كل المواضيع تقريباً (الرومانسية، المغامرات، الخيال العلمي) كما تتوجه إلى كل شرائح المجتمع على السواء. وتعد من أنجح التجارب في مجال القصص المصورة على الصعيد العالمي، إذ أن عائدات المانغا الأسبوعية في اليابان، تعادل العائدات السنوية لصناعة القصص المصورة الأميركية, وذلك لكثرة الإقبال عليها.
غزت المانغا المجتمعات الغربية في بداية الثمانينيات، مع موجة اقتحام الأنمي (الرسوم المتحركة اليابانية) لشاشات التلفزيون الأوروبية. لاقت هذه رواجاً كبيراً في أوساط الشباب على الخصوص.

الأنيمي الياباني تاريخة ونبذة عنه Japanese anime history

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا بكم زوار مدونتنا الكرام
اليوم سنتحدث قليلا عن أحد الفنون اليابانية الحديثة ألا وهو حبيبنا فن الانيمي الرائع فتابعوا معنا

أنمي anime

هي أعمال الرسوم المتحركة اليابانية ولها شهرتها حول العالم. كلمة أنمي هي اختصار لكلمة أنميشن (بالإنگليزية: Animation) في اليابانية، حيث تشير لجميع الرسوم المتحركة. أول أنمي تجاري يعود لسنة 1917، ومنذ ذلك الحين استمر إنتاج الأنمي وازدهرت صناعته. ملامح رسم الأنمي بُنيت في الستينات على أعمال أوسامو تيزوكا وانتشرت عالميًا في أواخر القرن العشرين، مكسبة إياها جمهورًا محليًّا ودوليًّا. ينتشر ويُبث الأنمي عن طريق التلفاز و/أو السينما و/أو مباشرة للمنازل (عن طريق أقراص DVD وبلو راي حاليًا، وبطرق أخرى سابقًا) و/أو عن طريق الإنترنت مباشرة وينقسم إلى مجالات وتصنيفات عديدة ومتنوعة.
يتكون مجال صناعة الأنمي من أكثر من 430 استديو إنتاج من أبرزها استديو غيبلي وتوئيه أنميشن وغيرهما. في اليابان يسجل الأنمي الأرقام الأعلى في مبيعات الـDVD و قد حقق نجاحًا كبيرًا عالميًا خاصة بعد ظهور الأنميات المتلفزة المُدبلجة بعدة لغات كالعربية والإنگليزية.

وتحظى الأنمي بشعبية كبيرة في اليابان. ففي سنة 2001 م حقق فيلم المخطوفة أعلى إيرادات في تاريخ السينما في اليابان متفوقاَ على فيلم تايتانك، علما أن هذا الفيلم من إخراج أحد أبرز أعلام هذا الفن ميازاكي (宮崎 駿). كما أن 40% من الأفلام في السينما اليابانية هي أفلام أنمي.

العادات في اليابان - customs at japan - heritage التراث الياباني

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

بهذا الموضوع سنتحدث عن بعض العادات المميزة لشعب اليابان عن بقية الشعوب بالعالم وسنرى كيف ان تلك العادات حقا مختلفة ومميزة وتعطي اليابان نمطا مختلفا وممييزا عن باقي البلدان

العادات في اليابان

بعض العادات تكون ممارسة في مناطق ضيقة للغاية، وبالتالي قد لا تكون موجودة في جميع مناطق اليابان. وفيما يلي نسرد الأعراف المقبولة عموما في اليابان. حيث أن بعض العادات قد تغيرت على مر التاريخ.

الأربعاء، 17 ديسمبر 2014

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The Guardian

The Guardian

The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper

Founded in 1821, it was known as The Manchester Guardian until 1959. From its beginnings as a local paper it has grown into a national paper associated with a complex organisational structure and an international multimedia and web presence. The Guardian is currently edited by Alan Rusbridger. Its sister papers include The Observer (a British Sunday paper) and The Guardian Weekly. It has two online outlets based outside the United Kingdom, Guardian Australia and Guardian US.

In August 2013, The Guardian in paper form had an average daily circulation of 189,000 copies, behind The Daily Telegraph and The Times, but ahead of The Independent.[3] The newspaper's online edition was the third most widely read in the world as of June 2012.[4] Its combined print and online editions reach nearly 9 million readers.[5]

Founded in 1821 by John Edward Taylor in Manchester with backing from the non-conformist Little Circle group of local businessmen, The Manchester Guardian replaced the radical Manchester Observer, which championed the Peterloo Massacre protesters. The paper currently identifies with social liberalism. In the last UK general election in 2010, it supported the Liberal Democrats, who went on to form a coalition government with the Conservatives. The paper is influential in the design and publishing arena, sponsoring many awards in these areas.

The Guardian has changed format and design over the years, moving from broadsheet to Berliner. It has become an international media organisation with affiliations to other national papers with similar aims. The Guardian Weekly, which circulates worldwide, contains articles from The Guardian and its sister Sunday paper The Observer, as well as reports, features, and book reviews from The Washington Post and articles translated from Le Monde. Other projects include GuardianFilm, the current editorial director of which is Maggie O'Kane.

Notable scoops include the newspaper's breaking of the News International phone hacking scandal in 2011, particularly with the revelation of the hacking of murdered teenager Milly Dowler's phone.[6] The investigation brought about the closure of one of the highest circulation newspapers in the world, the News of the World.[7] The newspaper also broke news of the secret collection of Verizon telephone records held by Barack Obama's administration in June 2013,[8] and subsequently revealed the existence of the PRISM surveillance program after it was leaked to the paper by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.[9] The Guardian was named newspaper of the year at the 2014 British Press Awards, for its reporting on government surveillance.</div>

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Manchester City F.C.

Manchester City Football Club is a Premier League football club in Manchester, England. Founded in 1880 as St. Mark's (West Gorton), they became Ardwick Association Football Club in 1887 and Manchester City in 1894.

The club has played at the City of Manchester Stadium since 2003, having played at Maine Road from 1923. The club's most successful period was in the late 1960s and early 1970s when they won the League Championship, FA Cup, League Cup and European Cup Winners' Cup under the management team of Joe Mercer and Malcolm Allison.

After losing the 1981 FA Cup Final, the club went through a period of decline, culminating in relegation to the third tier of English football for the only time in their history in 1998. Having regained Premier League status, the club was purchased in 2008 by Abu Dhabi United Group and has become one of the wealthiest in the world.

In 2011, Manchester City qualified for the UEFA Champions League and won the FA Cup. The following year, they won the Premier League, their first league title for 44 years. In 2014, they won the League Cup and a second Premier League title


City gained their first honours by winning the Second Division in 1899; with it came promotion to the highest level in English football, the First Division. They went on to claim their first major honour on 23 April 1904, beating Bolton Wanderers 1–0 at Crystal Palace to win the FA Cup; City narrowly missed out on a League and Cup double that season after finishing runners-up in the League but City became the first club in Manchester to win a major honour.[4] In the seasons following the FA Cup triumph, the club was dogged by allegations of financial irregularities, culminating in the suspension of seventeen players in 1906, including captain Billy Meredith, who subsequently moved across town to Manchester United. A fire at Hyde Road destroyed the main stand in 1920, and in 1923 the club moved to their new purpose-built stadium at Maine Road in Moss Side.

A group of thirteen men, eleven in association football attire typical of the early twentieth century and two in suits. A trophy sits in front of them

The Manchester City team which won the FA Cup in 1904

In the 1930s, Manchester City reached two consecutive FA Cup finals, losing to Everton in 1933, before claiming the Cup by beating Portsmouth in 1934.During the 1934 cup run, Manchester City broke the record for the highest home attendance of any club in English football history, as 84,569 fans packed Maine Road for a sixth round FA Cup tie against Stoke City in 1934 – a record which still stands to this day.The club won the First Division title for the first time in 1937, but were relegated the following season, despite scoring more goals than any other team in the division. Twenty years later, a City team inspired by a tactical system known as the Revie Plan reached consecutive FA Cup finals again, in 1955 and 1956; just as in the 1930s, they lost the first one, to Newcastle United, and won the second. The 1956 final, in which Manchester City beat Birmingham City 3–1, is one of the most famous finals of all-time, and is remembered for City goalkeeper Bert Trautmann continuing to play on after unknowingly breaking his neck.

After relegation to the Second Division in 1963, the future looked bleak with a record low home attendance of 8,015 against Swindon Town in January 1965. In the summer of 1965, the management team of Joe Mercer and Malcolm Allison was appointed. In the first season under Mercer, City won the Second Division title and made important signings in Mike Summerbee and Colin Bell. Two seasons later, in 1967–68, Manchester City claimed the League Championship for the second time, clinching the title on the final day of the season with a 4–3 win at Newcastle United and beating their close neighbours Manchester United into second place.Further trophies followed: City won the FA Cup in 1969, before achieving European success by winning the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1970, beating Górnik Zabrze 2–1 in Vienna.City also won the League Cup that season, becoming the second English team to win a European trophy and a domestic trophy in the same season.

The club continued to challenge for honours throughout the 1970s, finishing one point behind the league champions on two occasions and reaching the final of the 1974 League Cup. One of the matches from this period that is most fondly remembered by supporters of Manchester City is the final match of the 1973–74 season against arch-rivals Manchester United, who needed to win to have any hope of avoiding relegation. Former United player Denis Law scored with a backheel to give City a 1–0 win at Old Trafford and confirm the relegation of their rivals. The final trophy of the club's most successful period was won in 1976, when Newcastle United were beaten 2–1 in the League Cup final.

Top 5 Considerations Startup Business Loans

If you want to start your own company it will take a little money to get started and on your feet. Banks put many things into consideration when you ask them for money for startup business loans. Here are five of the most important considerations when you want money from a bank for a loan for your new company.

1.When you want to get money from a bank the first thing they will consider with startup business loans is your credit. You should have a healthy credit score that looks great. If your credit is bad it tells a lender that you do not repay your debts and this may stop you from getting a line of credit.

2.Experience is a big factor when you are hoping for startup business loans. You should have years of experience in the line of work you want to start your own business and you should be able to convince the bank you are the right person to open the company. A bank may think you have the best idea ever but if they do not think you are skilled enough for the company to generate revenue or to manage the business they will not lend you any money.

3.Assets are another factor that lenders want to see. When you are trying to secure startup business loans you should have some assets worth money that the bank can secure if they feel they need it. If you have nothing worth any value and you are asking for money to begin your own business you will probably be turned away. Banks want to see you are serious and when you secure assets with the money they know you are.

4.Gather some money down for the startup business loans. The best way to show a lender that you are serious about your new company is by having a healthy chunk of money as a down payment. When you have 20% to 25% down payment for your startup business a bank is more willing to talk to you. A good size down payment may even make a bank look past your bad credit.

5.If all of the factors above do not fall in your favor you might try and find someone who can co-sign a loan with you. A lender will want to know if you have someone who will back you that you are good for the money. This person will need to have good credit but they can be considered as a silent partner in your endeavors. In most cases a friend or family member is the best person to ask to cosign startup business loans.

If you are looking for money for startup business loans you should consider many things. A bank will want to know that you are financially in a good position, qualified to run the business, why the business will do well and many more things. Securing a loan is important but you may need a down payment, good credit, assets, or even a co-signer.

No Credit Loans- Cash Amount with No Credit at All

No credit loans means these are the loans which do not involve credit checking and are available for the borrowers having No credit history at all. These loans are a way to get a loan even if you had a bad credit. These loans are used to solve temporary and emergency financial crisis. Bad credit loans are not less than a blessing to the borrowers who are going through from bad credits or possessing absolutely no credit records. This is the easiest and most reliable way to find money for any of your personal reason like your immediate unexpected expenses, medical expenses, and home improvement and so on. When your next pay check arrive, the payment will be made to the lender from your check account directly without giving you any coherence and discomfort.

No credit check loans are the ideal solution to overcome from the cash deficiency and financial crunches. You can avail these loans with no collateral and no credit check carried out. It helps acquiring easy cash with instant approval without going though from hassled task of documentary and paper works. No collateral pledging means no risk involvement of staking a valuable asset. No credit loans are specially benefited to those borrowers who are going through from adverse credit records and can have one more good option to improve their credit scores by timely repaying the loan amount. It has online application which is easy and quick in nature.

If you really need some fast cash and cannot wait till your next paycheck to arrive, you can have easy funds from no credit loans without fulfilling special formalities instead you just need to fill a simple online application form with required information to be mentioned in the form and submit it to the lender's website. The loan money will get transferred in your check account with no delays and discomfort faced by you. You can use the loan amount for nay of the purpose without being interfered by the lender about the spending. It is the sensible way to sort out the temporary financial issues. You can get the loans online without much hassle without going to the local loan shop or lender's office and face the actual person.

The applicant has to fulfill the various requirements to have the cash from loans for people with no credit history. The applicant should have some of the easy requirements like he should be employed from the past six months under the same organization. He should earn steady income of at least £1000 per month. He should be permanent UK resident with the age of eighteen years or more. He should also acquire a valid and lively bank account under his name which should not be more than three months old. The bank account should be under his name. He should be employed in a reputed company and earn not less than £1000 per month.

Loans for bad debt: Best financial support at times of crisis

If you are tensed due to your old and pending debts and your monthly salary is not enough to pay your unlimited debts instantly then take assistance of loans for bad debt. These loans are chiefly designed for those people who are unable to pay their old debts due to shortage of funds. A bad debt is a situation where a borrower is besieged by one or many imminent loans to be paid back. These problems are mainly faced by those borrowers who are in practice of taking irregular loans. Bad debt can directly harm your credit score ratings which fall down intensely. Loans for bad debt are the feasible financial obligations when you are amid by debt payment problems.

These loans are available in both secured and unsecured forms. The people can select the form of loan according to their needs and money requirements. Those people have good credit records and require much amount for long term period secured form of loans will be the right selection. Under secured loans people can avail amount range form £5,000 to £75,000 for the repayment term of 5-25 years. The people have nothing to keep as security bad debt tenant loans will be the best loan option for them. These loans are unsecured by nature. Means people who live as tenants & non-homeowners can easily apply for these loans and avail amount range from £1,000 to £25,000 for the repayment term of 5-25 years.

The interest rate of secured loans is less than unsecured loans because of availability of security. But if you are opting unsecured loans then you are obliged to pay relatively higher rate of interest but it is free from security procedure. Proper analysis of market can avail you better rate of interest option. Most important part of these loans can be its timely repayment. Otherwise delaying in payment can cause you extra amount. All type of Bad credit ratings such as CCJ, bankruptcy, late payments, defaults, IVA etc will not create problems in the way of availing funds. All type of credit records and poor history is acceptable. So whatever your condition apply with these loans and access quick funds.

You can access the amount for any of your personal or professional purposes freely. The use of amount is completely dependent on you. You may use the loan amount for paying various bills, buying raw material for production, paying old debts, buying new car, pay installments of house loans etc. The best way to obtaining these loans can be its online application system. Where a form is requisite to be filled with proper details and submit it online. Once the application has been approved your amount can be transferred into your bank account.

Bad debt loans can give you the support at times when no one is ready to help you. It offers you proper funding without following trickier procedure.

Protect Yourself Against Online Relationship Scams

Searching for romance over the Internet has become more and more popular over the years. Online dating is nearly a billion dollar industry and scammers are cashing in on the trend, taking advantage of unsuspecting men and women.

Every day, scammers target hundreds of online daters, and many have fallen prey to scams that cost online daters, on average, of more than $3,000. They do it by posing as women overseas and send you a note through an online dating service. They pretend to be interested in you and provide their "email address" so that you can continue communicating offline.

Scammers use email to try and build an online relationship with you and they eventually profess their love. Once you do too, the scam kicks into high gear. An "emergency" (mother hospitalized, surgery needed) suddenly arises and they ask for money. Or they say they want to meet you, but need money to apply for a VISA to come see you. Little does the victim know that he's talking to professional con artists and has likely been communicating with another man, not a woman! The scams can get quite complex, including men hiring a girl to call you and pose as your online love interest.

You can avoid being a victim of online relationship scams by taking note of these warning signs:

Being Asked for Money

This is the most telltale sign of a scam. No matter what you think or what other people might say, it just isn’t a normal behavior to ask for money if you've never met someone in person. Scammers are quite creative – they will ask you to help with airfare so they can come and visit, cash a check, help out with an emergency for you to send a money order and so on. Some will ask for money fairly quick and others will show patience while trying to build a relationship with you, getting you to fall for the imaginary person in the profile they set up.

Initiating First Contact

Scammers virtually always are the first to initiate contact with you. If you get an email (or wink) from someone overseas, it's best not to respond.

Wanting to Communicate via Email

An online scammer will want to take your communications to email as soon as possible because they know their profile may soon be deleted when an online dating service notices their pattern of emailing people. So many times in the very first or second email they will give you an email address and ask you to email them.

Fake Pictures

Some scammers will cut or scan photos from magazines. Trust your instincts. If you feel the photo is suspicious, chances are it’s probably a fake. But that's not always the case, as many scammers will actually steal someone else's photo and post it. Photos are usually of a very beautiful woman. Don't fall for it.

Unwillingness to Share Information

The person you are talking to showers you with attention and he seems to be overly interested in everything about you, yet doesn’t share a lot of information about themselves. If they are avoiding your questions like a seasoned politician, then run..

Messages Vary

If you are exchanging emails with someone overseas, watch out for inconsistencies like a variation in the style of the email, language differences, repetitive statements, etc.. The scammer who initiated the communication with you may not always be the same one that carries it through. If something doesn't seem right about the emails you are receiving, then its not right.

Besides looking out for red flags you can take other measures to further protect yourself:

1) Be the one always initiating communication via online dating services.
2) Guard your privacy.
3) Communicate with people locally, not overseas.
4) Trust your gut instinct from the start.
5) Never reply to communications from someone who sends you a note and immediately includes their email address for you to continue the communication.

Many people have fallen prey to online relationship scams. In one case, two men showed up at the same airport to meet a girl from overseas that they had sent money to for her "flight". Both were left holding flowers at the airport staring at each other. They had apparently been duped by the same scammer.

While it is true that there are many people who find life partners over the Internet, it is best to always be on your guard when using online dating services. Don't get scammed!

How to Setup Business in Dubai? & Best Home Based Business Opportunities in Dubai

Are you planning to start a business in Dubai, doing an exhibition? Or looking for new business opportunities in Dubai? Then I urge you to read every single word in this page.

Business is the main focus of Dubai economy. Often, the government is encouraging and creating new business opportunities in Dubai. However, Dubai business set-up is not easy.

You MUST know each and every step of setting up a business in Dubai, unless you get a professional company to do this for you. Don't worry. I will show you how to set-up a business in Dubai. Also you can fill the form at the bottom of this page to get the best business set-up company in Dubai to do all tasks for you (more info at the bottom).

Common requirements to start a Dubai business

Every business in Dubai needs a “sponsor” except if you want to open a business in a freezone in Dubai. Usually, to open a business in a Dubai freezone requires a big capital. It is not a place for small businesses. The sponsor MUST be a UAE national. A strong sponsor with lot of contacts and influence can be very useful for the business to start and run. Why? You will see many reasons throughout this page.

You have to pay an ongoing fee to the sponsor. There is a big chance that the sponsor may demand a percentage of the profit in addition to the fee.

Once you have acquired a sponsor, you have to register your business and obtain the Trade License. There are different rules for different business types.

For an example, there are specific hygiene related rules to start and run a restaurant. It is not very easy to register a business in Dubai. You may have to seek your sponsor’s help to get your business registered. Language is a major barrier when dealing with government employees. Otherwise there is a big chance that the application will be rejected.

Operating a business in Dubai

Arabic is the common language used in all government offices. Therefore every company has to have an Arabic speaking employee or higher someone temporary to deal with government institutions for various business matters. This is a MUST.

The other important thing is the working visa for employees. This is not easy and your sponsor’s influence is very important in this matter. If you are planning to run a large-scale business then you have to maintain a percentage of UAE employees. Remember, you have to pay more than double to UAE nationals.

There is no tax in Dubai. However, there are different fees depending on type of the business.

What are good Dubai business opportunities?

Well, there are many. But a good business opportunity in Dubai is always not the one bringing more money.

It has to be easy to operate from government rules perspective. Here is my review of good business opportunities in Dubai.

Real Estate – I think there is still a market in this booming business in Dubai. Dubai real estate investment is not yet very popular internationally. So there is still a market. Travel Packages – Emirates Airlines and few travel agents handle Most of the travel packages. I think there is a market for a business that is more focused on inbound tourists and travel packages.

Online Auctions – Not much available in Dubai.

Exports – Some food items like Dates are very cheap in Dubai. Also used cars and jewellery are very cheap in Dubai.

Nightclubs – There is always a market in Dubai for nightclubs.

Multi Level Marketing – Dubai has tough laws for pyramid schemes. If you can get the government approval for a genuine MLM then the sky is the limit.

Job agencies for skilled labours – Almost all job agencies in Dubai are focusing on jobs for professionals. This is a niche business opportunity in Dubai.

Franchise businesses– This concept is new to Dubai and I am sure there is a huge market for franchises.

Childcare business – One of the burning issues especially young working couples in Dubai is lack of childcare facilities. This is also a niche business opportunity in Dubai for someone who wants to start a business in Dubai.

You cannot ignore banks when talking about business. Visit Dubai banks page to read about major banks in Dubai. Also visit major companies in Dubai page to read about leading companies in Dubai.

The easiest way to set-up a business in Dubai

The easiest way to start a Dubai business is to get a professional consulting company to do all tasks for you. In this way you can ensure that you are not wasting your money. I managed to convince one of the best companies in Dubai to evaluate requirements of visitors of this website and do everything for you for a discounted price.

Dubai nightlife... Where to go and what to do

Dubai is almost dead during the day and becomes alive at night. You can enjoy Dubai nightlife in various ways depending on “what” you want.

Especially there are specific Dubai nightclubs to cater deferent requirements and clients..

Dubai has excellent nightlife. However, you should know the limitations, as there are strict laws in Dubai.

Lets start with Dubai nightclubs…

There are varieties of nightclubs in Dubai. Some are free to enter and some are charging an entrance fee. Visit Dubai Nighclubs page for more on nightclubs and review of my favourite nightclubs.

Lets continue with Dubai nightlife….


Liquor is not freely available in Dubai. That means there are no pubs or bars along the road. There is a liquor permit issued for residence visa holders.

If you are a visitor you will have to go to a nightclub or to a bar in a hotel to get liquor.

Liquor is expensive in Dubai, especially in nightclubs and in hotels. The best option is to buy liquor from the Duty Free shop at the Dubai Airport while coming into Dubai.


Bars are not available in all Dubai hotels mainly due to religious reasons. If alcohol is part of your daily life then you should be careful when selecting your accommodation.

Apart from that, most of the hotels have bars.

Hanging around in a bar till midnight is part of the nightlife in Dubai for most of the expatriates and visitors.

Creek Park…. a nice place to hang around

Dubai Creek Park is a nice place to visit at night. The park is huge and therefore not crowded.

The atmosphere is fantastic at night. There are play areas for children. You can just relax in the park and enjoy the view of colourful buildings in the other side of the creek. This is a nice place for the whole family.

Shopping is a major part of Dubai nightlife. Visit Shopping in Dubai page for more on shopping.

Man-made Dubai Islands

Some people have described Dubai islands as the 8th wonder of the world. There is no doubt that these manmade islands in Dubai will impress each and every visitor. The islands are built in such a way that it is hard to say they are man-made islands.

These Dubai islands are completely manmade from scratch in the Dubai coastal line. Constructions of these islands launched after years of planning. Currently Dubai has two island groups.

Palm Island Dubai

Dubai Palm Tree Island was the first manmade Dubai Island. The island is built in the shape of a Date Palm Tree. There are three palm tree islands being built in Dubai.

The Palm Island Jumeirah

Jumeirah beach is already famous thanks to Burj Al Arab 7 star hotel. The Palm island in Jumeirah will consists of luxury accommodations such as hotels, villas, apartments etc.

The Palm Island Jebel Ali

Jebel Ali is the industrial free trade zone in Dubai. The “theme” of Palm Island in Jebel Ali is entertainment.

There are plans to build theme parks and many more fascinating items for entertainments. Palm Island Jebel Ali is bigger than the Jumeirah Palm Island.

Palm Island Deira

This is going to be the third man-made Palm Island in Dubai. Deira is the “commercial capital” in Dubai and this island will be built on the coast of Dubai's Deirah beach. This is going to be the largest of all Palm Islands. The “theme” of this island is “Residential” It will consist of residential property, marinas, shopping malls, sports facilities, and clubs.

The World

The World is the latest addition to Dubai islands. This is a collection of small islands shaped into the world map.

The plan is to build 300 private islands located off the coast of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It will consist of 300 small private man-made islands.

Size of islands will range from 23000 to 83000 square meters. The World Islands will be located 4 kilometers off the shore of Jumeirah, close to the Palm Island Jumeirah.

Buying properties in Dubai Islands

Real estate in Dubai islands has become a hot topic among property investors. Even though the price is high, investors can expect a very high capital gain from properties on palm islands and The World island in Dubai.

Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and many other celebrities have bought properties in Dubai islands.

Real Estate - Property in Dubai

The property in Dubai has made it a commercial downtown and Dubai has emerged itself as the Shangri-La of real-estate deals. From its patronage of sand dunes and tranquil beaches, it has congealed into a global property portal. The property here has become a fountainhead of capitalist investments.

The cardinal attraction of the property in Dubai is its low prices that are one-third per square meter as compared to the property in the US. Apart from it, one can economize through the tax-free income in Dubai against the vast revenues in the US.

The rent prices have inflated to a minimum of 10% to a maximum to 50% in past two years. This progression in rates is drawing in the investors into property and to combat this hike, people are shifting to permanent property from lease.

Property in Dubai offers the perfect pedestal for the markets of Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, Asian Subcontinent, and East Mediterranean. A multinational company that wishes to maneuver the 2million people of this area with their GDP of U$6.7 trillion ought to earmark property in Dubai.

The economy of UAE is flourishing as ever with the rising oil-revenues. The national economy turns out to be a boastful add-on for the property in Dubai.

Various financial institutions are forthcoming with diverse mortgage and security rate options. The prime objective is to reduce the cost of borrowing. With so much to offer and aiming to cost lesser, the property are adjuring with the gleam of gold.

The salient features that the property offers are expanding its market substantially. The demand has amplified enormously. Dubai has emerged out as a commercial hub where all dealers want to invest considering the lucrative possibilities. It is becoming difficult to locate property in the key areas due to the tremendous demand. With this rapid bloom, it is anticipated that the property will experience a further increment in its monetary value.

The major property areas in Dubai have highlighted themselves as the ‘drawing card’ for which everyone has a quest. With the expansion of Dubai as a commercial platform, it is attracting more and more expatriates. Hence the demand is outlasting the supply and there is a stage of imperativeness being developed that causes an acclivity in the monetary value.

Dubai has a lot more to dispense than just property. The egression of the commercial environment has brought with it a new era of lifestyle and glamour. The efflorescence of malls, hotels have given a new dimension to leisure and entertainment. Dubai has turned out to be the ideal destination for all shopping-lovers. It offers an avid and luxurious environment. With the connectivity to other countries via airport and other global means, Dubai offers the nonpareil blend of connectivity, investment, globalization, and commercialization and a property in Dubai gives a countenance to avail all these perquisites.

Fax - A Simple Guide To Online Fax

While most people have heard of email, there are many web users who have never heard of Internet or online fax. This is the equivalent of sending faxes via the web rather than through the old traditional facsimile machine in the office.

Like email, web faxing is a relatively new phenomenon which simply means using the Internet and your email system to send and receive your faxes. In order to use online fax you have to sign up for an account with an Internet fax service provider, who will supply you with a Toll-Free or local fax number you can use. Your faxes are sent as email attachment, usually in TIFF or PDF format.

Your online fax service provider acts as your intermediary to handle and process all your faxing. Keep in mind, with an Internet faxing account you dont need an extra dedicated fax phone line because everything is done via the web. However, you can still send faxes to and from the old traditional fax machine, your online provider will act on your behalf to process your faxes.

With an Internet fax service you are generally given an online site (interface) where you can log-on to send and receive your faxes. This web account will also store your faxes so that they are available to you at all times. How long and the amount of faxes you can store will depend upon which service you choose, so it pays to do a little homework first before you sign up to any one service.

These fax providers will also have different monthly rates but the average cost is around $10 a month, but there are much cheaper quality services you can get, especially if your faxing requirements are very minimum. Some services are as low as $20 a year or you can also get a pay as you go service.

Why are millions of individuals and companies switching over to this new way of faxing?

There are many reasons: online faxing can be much cheaper especially when you factor in the low start-up costs and the cost of a separate phone line. Online fax is paperless so it is seen as more environmentally friendlier than regular faxing. It also uses no inks, toners and there are none of those messy annoying paper jams. No more missed faxes because of busy signals. You can also send many faxes simultaneously. Web faxing can also be much more secure than traditional faxing since your faxes can be encrypted. Plus, all your faxing is completely mobile, you can send and receive your faxes anywhere, anytime - as long as you have Internet access and these days thats just about everywhere on the planet.

This new way of faxing is much more convenient since you can use laptops, PDAs, cell phones... to send and receive your faxes. It is also extremely easy to use, as simple as using email, anyone can do it. Furthermore, online faxing is seen as the wave of the future, connecting all your faxing with computers and the web.

Plus, we must not forget about the whole concept of competitiveness when speaking about online fax. If your business or company depends heavily on timely faxes for bringing in sales, closing deals or communicating with clients; then having a fax service thats available 24/7, 365 days of the year (regardless of where youre located) is a definite advantage to have in your corner. Sometimes it may just be a matter of keeping up with your competition who might already be using web faxing in their own businesses.

Friendship - Friendship is a perfect bond between two close individuals

Friendship is a perfect bond between two close individuals. Friends are those on whom we can confide and share our feelings. You cannot choose your family but you can definitely choose friends. There are things which you may not be able to share with your parents, or spouses but you can surely talk and share with your friends. Friendship is a special bond. You need to nurture your relationship with your friend.

You can share your joys, tears, secrets, jokes with your friend. There are many friends but to find a true friend is special. True friends are not easy to find and when you find a true friend, do not lose him/her. You can express your love for your friends with Friendship Sayings.

Friendship sayings are a nice way of appreciating your friend. It shows that your friends mean a lot to you. There are many websites that are available which caters to Friendship Sayings. You can select end number of Sayings on Friendship and tell your feelings through this sayings.

Having great friends is a blessing. Not everyone is blessed with good friends. Friends are for lifetime. Friendship quotes can also be dedicated to friends. Seeing a group of friends will make you jealous, because friends are life. You will wish that you too had such great friends. The message of friendship is a perfect message that says that you are lucky if you have a real best friend.

Friendship Sayings reveal to you the real meaning of friendship in a poetic style. You write this sayings and gift it to your friends during friendship day, their birthdays or just to say that you care for your friend. A friendship saying can be thoughtful, funny, humorous, emotional or about true bonding.

There are many bondings that exists in the world, yet friendship is the most pleasant relationship. You should be aware of friends who take advantage of your friendship. There have been many movies and novels that are based on friendship. Friendship is a bond of innocent feelings. You are what your friends are. Long live friendship.

Forex Trading 2015

The Forex market is an inter-bank or inter-dealer network first established in 1971 when many of the world’s major currencies moved towards floating exchange rates. Forex Trading is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) market, meaning that transactions are not conducted on an exchange like some equity stock markets such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Chicago Options Board Exchange (CBOE) where options and futures are traded. OTC trades exist as agreements made between two parties that agree to trade via telephone or electronic network.

As Forex trading has evolved, several locations have emerged as market leaders. Currently, London, England contributes the greatest share of transactions with over 32% of the total trades. Other Forex trading centers—listed in order of volume— are New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Paris, and Sydney.

Because these trading centers cover most of the major time zones, FX trading is a true 24-hour market that operates five days a week. For example, as a trader in New York, you have access to the Forex market starting Sunday evening when the market opens in Sydney for the start of the trading week. Trading centers around the globe then come online until New York closes at 4:30 PM EST. Of course, by this time, Sydney will have reopened for the next trading day so you can continue to trade around the clock until the New York close on Friday.

Forex trading is again beneficial for it helps you to perform complex analysis without mistakes. With access to your computer, you can solve complex charting, sort out details of each trading agreement minutely. Add to this, you have several forex trading tools available online. These tools offer quick assistance for forex trading in volumes. This is indeed a blessing for newcomer, who often finds it tedious to track down the facts and figures of forex market and forex trading agreement.

The Forex market has become the world’s largest financial market, and it is not uncommon to see over $3 trillion US traded each day. All things you need to know and learn it up in Forex trading ; knowing risk level - how much you are willing to lose, understanding the different forex trading systems as technical and fundamental and research the trading systems which you can be familiar with how they work.

Forex trading courses are available as online courses and also through printed books. Free tutorials and financial guidance is also provided by many web sites. Choosing a professional Forex Trading Course will provide you with details on

- The best time to trade specific currencies like Euro - How to anticipate movements and trends in the global market - Which pairs of currency to trade - Best time to enter the forex market - Market conditions and tips about efficient trading from experts - Technical indicators

Overall a forex trading course should be a complete currency trading solution for all the queries regarding forex and its effective trading options.

Online Trading

nline trading is a potential platform for earning substantial profit. And, why not? It is the largest forex online trading market of the world having an average daily trade of US$ 2 trillion and above. The market is known for its high scaleonline trading volume and extreme liquidity. Add to this, forex online trading can be done from anywhere of the world. This has been further backed up by World Wide Web through which a trader can trade in the forex market at the comfort of your own home. A few advantages of online trading are mentioned below:

The greatest advantage tagged with online forex trading or online trading is of course its real time accessibility. Today just with a single click, a trader of forex market can access online forex firms and brokers. They offer real time forex quotes, charts and transaction details after meticulous observation and analysis. With such a help, a trader can easily remain aware about every latest occurring of the forex market.

Online trading is again beneficial for its ease of use and accessibility. What you need to have is a computer with access to internet. Without getting out of your doors, you can analyze the market and decide every online trading agreement. However before online trading, you need to have a clear concept about the forex market, its basics and online trading secrets.

To get the basics of forex trading, online method is again the best option available for you. Innumerable tutorial programs regarding online trading are available online which are generally run by online forex firms. With access to such programs, you can remain up to date about the market as well as understand the basics and secrets of the forex market. Several forex firms specializing in online trading provide live forex help. These programs are run by expert forex traders and teachers. Thus, getting help for your question regarding forex market is never a tedious task as long as online trading classes and tutorial programs are available at your disposal.

Online forex trading is again beneficial for it helps you to perform complex analysis without mistakes. With access to your computer, you can solve complex charting, sort out details of each trading agreement minutely. Add to this, you have several forex online trading tools available online. These tools offer quick assistance for forex trading in volumes. This is indeed a blessing for newcomer, who often finds it tedious to track down the facts and figures of forex market and online trading agreement.

Thus, online trading or online forex trading is marked with several advantages. Here, you can obtain every latest happening of the forex market, get free tutorials from masters, access tools and techniques for a winning forex trading; all these at the comfort of your own home. The advent of World Wide Web has fine-tuned the whole process of forex trading.

Forex Trading - Make Money From Home

What is Forex trading and how did the name originate?

The Forex trading name derived from Foreign Exchange. The first three letters of Foreign and the first two letters of Exchange are added together.

Forex trading is about dealing in international currencies to make money. When trading in the stock market we sell the currency of one country to buy that of another, hoping to make a good profit.

Before the onset of the internet, Forex trading was open only to multinational corporations and banks. Now, many people work from home with their Forex trading money business.

The Forex trader deals in Foreign Exchange at the most appropriate time to profit from the transaction. Dealing in the stock market requires a good ability to forecast the outcome of all currency transactions.

Trading in the forex market is popular because although there are frequent fluctuations in currencies, in percentage terms they may be small.

You may then wonder how trading in currencies can be such a lucrative earning opportunity since fluctuations in exchange can be so little. However, when trading in large volumes, a small change can mean a lot.

You can make a lot of money Forex trading online in the stock market. But there are certain conditions to follow before trading in foreign currencies.

A thorough knowledge about the trends in the stock market is required. You should also know the basics of this type of trading and risk taking. Alternatively, you can use a robot for attaining these conditions. Especially a robot that does all the forex trading work for you!

You gain if the fluctuation favors you and the reverse holds true as well. No one can accurately predict the trend of the currencies. Liquidity is another reason why Foreign Exchange is so popular.

You can make lots of money trading in currencies, even if your initial investment is quite low. So remember that even with a nominal investment, your earning ability is certainly very large.

Most of the great businesses are connected to the internet today, and Forex is no exception. It is now easy for you to work from home and start trading in foreign currencies. In fact, it is fully conducted online. You are at liberty to choose when to start trading, without having to meet any deadlines.

You can quickly start your own work from home Forex trading business. The process of trading online in the currency market is fairly simple for anyone to understand. Especially with a currency robot that does all the trading work for you.

Forex Trading 6 Advantages Over Other Investments

There are many different advantages to trading forex instead of futures or stocks, such as:

1. Lower Margin

Just like futures and stock speculation, a forex trader has the ability to control a large amount of the currency basically by putting up a small amount of margin. However, the margin requirements that are needed for trading futures are usually around 5% of the full value of the holding, or 50% of the total value of the stocks, the margin requirements for forex is about 1%. For example, margin required to trade foreign exchange is $1000 for every $100,000. What this means is that trading forex, a currency traders money can play with 5-times as much value of product as a futures traders, or 50 times more than a stock traders. When you are trading on margin, this can be a very profitable way to create an investment strategy, but its important that you take the time to understand the risks that are involved as well. You should make sure that you fully understand how your margin account is going to work. You will want to be sure that you read the margin agreement between you and your clearing firm. You will also want to talk to your account representative if you have any questions.

The positions that you have in your account could be partially or completely liquidated on the chance that the available margin in your account falls below a predetermined amount. You may not actually get a margin call before your positions are liquidated. Because of this, you should monitor your margin balance on a regular basis and utilize stop-loss orders on every open position to limit downside risk.

2. No Commission and No Exchange Fees

When you trade in futures, you have to pay exchange and brokerage fees. Trading forex has the advantage of being commission free. This is far better for you. Currency trading is a worldwide inter-bank market that lets buyers to be matched with sellers in an instant.

Even though you do not have to pay a commission charge to a broker to match the buyer up with the seller, the spread is usually larger than it is when you are trading futures. For example, if you were trading a Japanese Yen/US Dollar pair, forex trade would have about a 3 point spread (worth $30). Trading a JY futures trade would most likely have a spread of 1 point (worth $10) but you would also be charged the brokers commission on top of that. This price could be as low as $10 in-and-out for self-directed online trading, or as high as $50 for full-service trading. It is however, all inclusive pricing though. You are going to have to compare both online forex and your specific futures commission charge to see which commission is the greater one.

3. Limited Risk and Guaranteed Stops

When you are trading futures, your risk can be unlimited. For example, if you thought that the prices for Live Cattle were going to continue their upward trend in December 2003, just before the discovery of Mad Cow Disease found in US cattle. The price for it after that fell dramatically, which moved the limit down several days in a row. You would not have been able to leave your position and this could have wiped out the entire equity in your account as a result. As the price just kept on falling, you would have been obligated to find even more money to make up the deficit in your account.

4. Rollover of Positions

When futures contracts expire, you have to plan ahead if you are going to rollover your trades. Forex positions expire every two days and you need to rollover each trade just so that you can stay in your position.

5. 24-Hour Marketplace

With futures, you are generally limited to trading only during the few hours that each market is open in any one day. If a major news story breaks out when the markets are closed, you will not have a way of getting out of it until the market reopens, which could be many hours away. Forex, on the other hand, is a 24/5 market. The day begins in New York, and follows the sun around the globe through Europe, Asia, Australia and back to the US again. You can trade any time you like Monday-Friday.

6. Free market place

Foreign exchange is perhaps the largest market in the world with an average daily volume of US$1.4 trillion. That is 46 times as large as all the futures markets put together! With the huge number of people trading forex around the globe, it is very hard for even governments to control the price of their own currency.

Blogging - How to Write Blog Post Titles that Get Attention

The title of your blog post needs to catch attention. If it fails to catch attention, then people wont read the post. And the time spent writing the post will be wasted. The title is also used in the search engines. So the title needs to catch the attention of search engine users too.

What are some techniques you can apply so your title gets attention?

First, you can include a benefit in your title. People want to know whats in it for them or what advantages they can gain. By including a benefit, youll get their attention and make them want to read your post.

Another technique is to add urgency to your title. Urgency makes them want to read your post now rather than later. For instance, the title “Triple Your Productivity” is good because it has a benefit.

But adding urgency will make it even better. For example, you could say, “6 Shocking Secrets Recently Discovered That Will Triple Your Productivity.” Or, “A Rare Scientific Breakthrough Proven to Triple Your Productivity.” The reader wants to learn those secrets or the breakthrough by reading the post now rather than later.

You can also make your title specific to get attention. For instance, instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you can make it more specific by saying, “8 Tips to Boost Your Productivity.”

Another tip is to make your title unique. If your title is similar to other titles that exist, or if you use cliches, then itll be hard for your title to catch attention. Your title needs to stand out by being unique. So instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you could say “Rapidly Increase Your Productivity By Applying These Secrets That Few People Know.”

Ideally, youll want to include more than one of these 4 elements in your title. If you combine them, itll add more power to your title and really get attention.

Wordpress - 3 Reasons Why Wordpress is the Best Blogging Tool

WordPress is a free tool which allows anyone for writing online and to publish a wordpress software-based blog free of charge and reachable to every single person.

The most important 3 features that blogger doesn’t support.

1. A Pinging feature is provided to you by which wordpress automatically pings all the RSS and blog feed directories each time you update or make a new post. It’s a very great feature if you want your blog to get a lot of traffic right away. It is the quickest way to develop backlinks to your blog automatically.

If you build a regular site, think how long it will get to index it in the search engines as well as get backlinks to improve your listings, and then start getting traffic. A tool like Wordpress can do all that “grunge” work for you very easily.

2. Wordpress Categories are the most effective way to improve the structure of your site for both human visitors and for the search engines bot.

Let’s assume the topic of your website is Wallpapers. You could create a Category for Car wallpapers, one for Nature wallpapers, and one for Cool wallpapers. When you add a posts to your blog, you can select which of your categories does the post belongs to. Now your blog will archive your past posts not only by their month and date same as Blogger does. But also by the Category.

So when you have a guests on your blog who is particularly interested in Car wallpapers, is will be easy for them to find all your posts on car wallpapers. Use of the categories can makes it very easy and will save valuable time of your visitors.

Categories are very search engine friendly, when you use categories in your blog, there is a link on every one of your pages to your categories. By using the Category feature, you will ultimately have hundreds of pages on your site with links to car wallpapers, nature wallpapers and cool wallpapers. All of those backlinks to those keywords can help you to get higher in search engine ranking.

3. You can easily create an RSS feed for each of your categories. It means every time you post a new article to your blog, it will ping the Blog / RSS directories for every feed!

Think that if you put up a new page on a regular website and even if the search engines find your new page right away, it might take a month or two before it actually gets indexed and starts getting traffic. It might be a long time before it enjoys a first page position for its keywords.

It’s almost superb how easily you could do all this with a well-organized blogging tool like Wordpress!

Billionaire Leverage Techniques: 5 Tips to Accomplish Your Big Dream

Have you ever had a dream so big that you had no idea how to accomplish it? The dream is there, in the background of your mind, gnawing at you and clamoring for your attention.

For many busy entrepreneurs, you might start to feel like the dream is slowly dieing. With everything you have to do to generate financial results, you never have time to focus on the dream. You are always busy running your business, making money, taking care of your clients, etc. Who has time to chase their dreams?

When you let your dream die, it affects your passion. Without passion, running your business can start to feel like work (who wants that?). Passion is the fuel that gets you going every day, provides the stamina to overcome the challenges and obstacles, and inspires you to think bigger.

Recently I saw an Oprah special called “Building a Dream” about the launch of her Leadership Academy for young girls in South Africa. As I watched the show, I realized that Oprah has been visioning this school for a long time. She had clarity about so many details -- from the uniforms to even the brick color of the building. It has been the fuel that keeps her going ever day, overcoming the big obstacles that have risen in running a billion dollar empire.

We all know that Oprah is very busy with her show and her magazine. How she brought her dream to life and fulfilled her passion was by surrounding herself with a team of people who could bring her vision to life.

If you study billionaires (which I do) you will learn a special leverage technique they all use to manifest their dreams into reality. I’ve seen this technique used by Oprah, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson. The technique: build a team to bring the vision to life.

Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Stay focused on the vision. Michael Gerber’s In the Dreaming Room covers the power of what your REAL job is (and by the way, it’s not getting lost in the day-to-day management.) It’s all about creating a vision so big that it pulls you forward.

2. Do YOUR job. Your job is to stay focused on high payoff activities. Let others do what they do best. Bookkeeping, housecleaning, graphic design, website updates, filtering emails and phone calls are all low payoff activities for the average business owner yet you many spend thousands of billable hours a month on these tasks.

3. Surround yourself with powerful implementers. When you leverage your time and build a team of good people, then your dreams become real 100 times faster. Most entrepreneurs are really great with ideas but lose traction when it comes to details and managing projects.

4. Start sooner. In completing the Virtual Team Building Secrets interviews, one thing I found in common with all five experts is they waited too long to build their team. It cost them time, money and sanity. The billionaires I studied all took the risk to build a team immediately.

5. Let go. Once you create your power team, be sure to learn to delegate well. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you hold the reigns too tight. A golden rule of delegation is, “Commit to the outcome, let go of the path to get there.”

Its time to start building YOUR team. It’s the fastest way to create more time, free up energy and make progress in bringing your vision to life.

Bill Gates - A story of Success

William H. Gates is chairperson and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing.

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill’s parents came to know their sons intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill Gates life where he was first introduced to a computer.

Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvards toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the schools computer and the next day asleep in class.

After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bills first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsofts vision is "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer". Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.

Bill Gates is not a greedy person. In fact, he is quite giving person when it comes to computers, internet and any kind of funding. Some years back, he visited Chicagos Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicagos schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray.

Home Business - Why Start A Home Based Business

Thousands of people have lost their jobs or source of income in todays troubled economy. Absolutely no one should feel that it cant happen to them. In addition to people losing their jobs and source of income, there are millions more coming out of college or coming of age, entering a job market that is already stressed with high unemployment because of the turbulent economy.

Considering the state of the economy it would be wise to be resourceful, doing so by taking the initiative to create an alternative source of income. Starting a Home Based Business will allow you to generate needed income, be independent, and give you peace of mind.

Generating needed income with a Home Based Business could make a difference in your life. Particularly if you have lost your job or source of income. It will give you a way to take care and provide for yourself and loved ones.

Perhaps you do have some income and your goal is to supplement or add to what you have coming in, which will benefit you.

If you value independence, you are really going to enjoy owning a Home Business. How independence manifest itself varies from one person to another. It could be that you want to spend more time with your family and loved ones; Enjoy the convenience of not having to commute to work; Be able to provide for yourself without assistance from others; No boss looking over your shoulder; Being in a position to come and go as you please.

Everyone desires peace of mind, simply because, it is a wonderful state to be in. Anxiety takes its toll on all of us. Having a Home Based Business to relieve some of the pressure would be welcomed relief.

When we are overly anxious as to how we are going to make it from day to day, pay the mortgage or other bills, provide for the kids.

All these anxieties can be mentally and physically exhausting.

Yes, the economy is tough, and people will probably continue to lose their jobs, their retirement income. These conditions may continue for just a few years, or perhaps longer.

What we dont want to do is be at the mercy of the conditions around us. We want to be resourceful taking the initiative. One way of doing that is to start a Home Based Business, which could provide needed income, help you to be independent, and have peace of mind.

Forex Trading - Home Based Business and Make Money Online

Like many people I am sure you are interested to know more about Forex trading. To put it bluntly Forex trading can be either one the best ways to make money. Only those who take the Forex market seriously will be able to make money with it in the long term.

The Forex trading market is beyond a doubt the worlds largest market where all exchanges happen instantaneously. Thus, trades are a key challenge for even the most knowledgeable Forex bankers and traders. They have to learn and consider many factors before performing even a single trade.

At first when currencies began to be traded openly, only large banks were allowed to perform trades. These days, due to the advent of internet forex trading and margin accounts almost anybody can begin Forex trading. This in turn, has added to the liquidity of the Forex market, and has resulted in a huge increase in the number of individuals who are now active in the market.

So, does this mean it is easy to earn money through Forex trading? To answer this we must consider a few things.

If you want make consistent money you can do extremely well by using Forex trading. To help you in this end I have listed five key ways to improve your odds dramatically of making money in the Forex market.

1. Education

Successful traders are knowledgeable about the Forex market. They have chosen to educate themselves about every single vital detail of Forex trading. The best traders know that every trade that they perform is an opportunity to learn something new about forex trading.

2. Forex Trading System

All of the profitable traders have a Forex trading system or strategy. Furthermore, they have the will power to stick strictly to that system, because the best traders know that by sticking with their system they stand a far greater chance of earning money.

3. Price Behavior

Knowledgeable and successful traders also include price behavior in their systems. They have learned that prices can change quickly and suddenly but are prepared to deal with those situations when they arrive.

4. Trading Psychology

First-rate traders are aware of psychological issues that affect the choices of other traders make when Forex trading. They know that people do not always act rationally, and as a result this can alter the expected outcome of a trade. This can help them both when deciding to enter into a trade or when to exit.

5. Money Management

This is far and away the most important factor that will determine whether or not you become a successful trader. Averting the hazard of financial ruin is the main concern of all top traders. This means both adequately funding your trading account (only with money you can afford to live without of course) and never entering into trades that can potentially wipe out all of your assets. Better to start trading small and always use stop-loss orders to guarantee that your first trades are not also your last.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of everything you need to know but it outlines some of the areas you need to consider before making even that first trade. Now you know that it is not easy to earn money in the Forex market, however it is achievable.

Also, remember to try to have some fun. Just remember these three important things: be disciplined in your trading habits, manager your money wisely and enjoy the experience of Forex trading.

Forex Trading Guidelines

So what is Forex trading you may ask? Forex is the exchange you can buy and sell currencies. For example, you might buy British pounds (by exchanging them to the dollars you had), then, after pounds / dollar ratio goes up, you sell pounds and buy dollars again. At the end of this operation you are going to have more dollars, then you had at the beginning.

The Forex market has much higher liquidity, then the stock market, as much more money is being exchanged. Forex is spread between banks all over the planet and as a result it means 24 hour trading.

Unlike stocks, Forex trades are performed with high leverage, usually it is 100. It means that by investing $1000 you can control $100,000, and increase potential profits accordingly. Some brokers provide also called mini Forex Trading, where the size of minimum deposit equals $100. It makes possible for individuals to enter this market easily.

The name convention. In Forex, the name of a "symbol" is composed of two parts — one for first currency, and another for the second currency. For example, the symbol usdjpy stands for US dollars (usd) to Japanese yen (jpy).

As with stocks, you can apply tools of the technical analysis to Forex Trading charts. Traders indexes can be optimized for Forex "symbols", allowing you to find winning strategy.

Example Forex Trading transaction

Assume you have a online Forex trading account of $25,000 and you are trading with a 1% margin requirement. The current quote for EUR/USD is 1.3225/28 and you place a market order to buy 1 lot of 100,000 Euros at 1.3228, expecting the euro to rise against the dollar. At the same time you place a stop-loss order at 1.3178 representing a maximum loss of 2% of your account equity if the trade goes against you, 50 pips below your order price, and a limit order at 1.3378, 150 pips above your order price. For this trade, you are risking 50 pips to gain 150 pips, giving you a risk/reward ratio of 1 part risk to 3 parts reward. This means that you only need to be right one third of the time to remain profitable.

The notional value of this trade is $132,280 (100,000 1.3228). Your required margin deposit is 1% of the total, which is equal to $1322.80 ($132,280 0.01).

As you expected, the Euro strengthens against the dollar and your limit order is reached at 1.3378. The position is closed. Your total profit for this trade is $1500, each pip being worth $10.

Franchise - Partnerships and Starting a Franchise

Partnerships have a relatively low rate of success when starting a franchise. Well, the same is true for any business. Why?

Most partnerships fall apart within a few years or even months because of mistakes during their structuring process. In many cases partnerships are put together because one person either can’t afford a business or does not have the expertise to start one.

As a result, exited to find a partner and fulfill an individual dream, entrepreneurs rush to get started before taking care of some important details. Here are some things that need to be considered when starting a franchise business in a partnership:

1. What is the exits strategy? – Maker sure that you share the same vision of where you want to be in 5 years. If an offer comes along to buy your franchise, what will you do?

2. Decide what to do if you stop agreeing on things – effective dispute resolution tools need to be put in place before you get started. You are going to spend a lot of time with your franchise partner, don’t expect to agree on everything.

3. Decide who is the boss – it is almost impossible to run a 50/50 partnership. Someone needs to be the boss or the CEO. This way you know who is responsible for a final decision from the beginning instead of having to decide that each time on the spot.

4. Consider a Limited Partnership – Make sure that all the liabilities in your business are clearly spelled out. Getting a limited partnership agreement in place might be the best way to go. v 5. Look at some successful partnership examples – Baskin and Robbins (ice cram franchise) come to mind. Take you time to research what made other people successful in this arrangement. When considering a partnership it also helps to consult an attorney in order to incorporate all the details into a partnership agreement.

In the end, partnership may be a great option for you, the key is to give careful consideration to all your options and properly document everything.

Becoming a US Citizen - Tips to Help You Through the Citizenship Process

So you have finally made the decision to take the step of becoming a US citizen. You have made a smart choice to become a citizen of one of the greatest countries in the world. A word of warning though, going through the citizenship process is not as simple and straightforward as you may think.

It was with this in mind, I decided to write this article, to provide you with some tips to help you through the citizenship process and ultimately reach your goal of becoming a US citizen.

Firstly you need to get, fill out and submit form N-400, you can do this online or via mail, you need to make sure you submit your form to your local government office.

Once your N-400 form has been reviewed, and provided there are no major issues, you will then be invited to attend an interview. In the interview you will be asked a whole range of things from why you think you deserve to become a US citizen, questions about the history of the united stated as well as opinions and beliefs on a variety of subjects.

Whatever you do, dont panic during the interview process, just be yourself and answer the questions as truthfully and heartfelt as you can. The people conducting the interview are very well trained and will soon know if you being dishonest, but for the most part they are there to help you become a US citizen.

While this is far from an exhaustive guide on the steps to gain citizenship, it does contain some tips to get you started on your journey to becoming a US Citizen.

Immigration - Immigration to the United Kingdom

Immigration to the United Kingdom, Immigration to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1922, has been substantial, in particular from Ireland and the former colonies of the British Empire - such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Caribbean, South Africa, Kenya and Hong Kong - under British nationality law. Others have come as asylum seekers, seeking protection as refugees under the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention, or from European Union (EU) member states, exercising one of the EUs Four Freedoms.

About half the population increase between the 1991 and 2001 censuses was due to foreign-born immigration. 4.9 million People (8.3 percent of the population at the time) were born abroad, although the census gives no indication of their immigration status or intended length of stay.

In 2006, there were 149,035 applications for British citizenship, 32 percent fewer than in 2005. The number of people granted citizenship during 2006 was 154,095, 5 per cent fewer than in 2005. The largest groups of people granted British citizenship were from India, Pakistan, Somalia and the Philippines. In 2006, 134,430 people were granted settlement in the UK, a drop of 25 per cent on 2005.Meanwhile, migration from Central and Eastern Europe has increased since 2004 with the accession to the European Union of eight Central and Eastern European states, since there is free movement of labour within the EU. The UK government is currently phasing in a new points-based immigration system for people from outside of the European Economic Area.

Until the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, all Commonwealth citizens could enter and stay in the United Kingdom without any restriction. The Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 made Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKCs) whose passports were not directly issued by the United Kingdom Government (i.e. passports issued by the Governor of a colony or by the Commander of a British protectorate) subject to immigration control.

Indians began arriving in the UK in large numbers shortly after their country gained independence in 1947. More than 60,000 arrived before 1955, many of whom drove buses, or worked in foundries or textile factories. Later arrivals opened corner shops or ran post offices. The flow of Indian immigrants peaked between 1965 and 1972, boosted in particular by Idi Amins sudden decision to expel all 50,000 Gujarati Indians from Uganda. Around 30,000 Ugandan Asians migrated to the UK.

By 1972, only holders of work permits, or people with parents or grandparents born in the UK could gain entry - effectively stemming primary immigration from Commonwealth countries.

Following the end of World War II, substantial groups of people from Soviet-controlled territories settled in Britain, particularly Poles and Ukrainians. The UK recruited displaced people as so-called European Volunteer Workers in order to provide labour to industries that were required in order to aim economic recovery after the war. In the 1951 census, the Polish-born population of the UK numbered some 162,339, up from 44,642 in 1931.

There was also an influx of refugees from Hungary, following the crushing of the 1956 Hungarian revolution, numbering 20,990.

The British Nationality Act 1981, which was enacted in 1983, distinguishes between British citizen or British Overseas Territories citizen. The former hold nationality by descent and the latter hold nationality other than by descent. Citizens by descent cannot automatically pass on British nationality to a child born outside the United Kingdom or it’s Overseas Territories (though in some situations the child can be registered as a citizen).

Immigration officers have to be satisfied about a persons nationality and identity and entry could be refused if they were not satisfied.